I've been trying to find the right words to describe relationships
And i think now i can say that relationship
Falling in love
Is a lot like learning how to drive a car.....
When you want to drive...first you have to start the engine
Here is like getting to know the person
You familiarize yourself to him/her
And then you hit the gas
You're starting to show him/her that you're interested in that person
You give her/him more attention
Constant want to talk to that person
Making topics..even dumb ones...just so you can keep talking
Here's the twist
Sometimes we forgot to hit the break
Not knowing when to stop
Because let's face it we're still learning at this point
So here's what people around you are for
Guide you and tell you to stop, because they can see better
But what do we do? We don't listen
We keep going like gazillion miles an hour not knowing there's a cliff ahead of us
and BOOM! we fall into that cliff hard...
Not knowing how to get back up
Like that's not hard enough already, the people around you will say "i told you so"
Knowing when to hit the gas and break is not enough for you to be able to drive
There's also signs, traffics, rules, you name it
You gotta learn how to park and know where to park, you can't just park anywhere you want
So look for that sign, follow the rules
If there's a stop sign, stop
If there's a red light , stop
If there's a green light, you're good to go
Sometimes tho, we missed that sign
So what do you do? Be very careful
Be patient
Eventually you'll get the hang of it
And you're at your final destination.
When you're there.....look for a place to park
There won't always will be
So be even more patient
And you will be
Where you're supposed to be
&the help of anindita