The Author

The Author

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dear future husband

Hello everyone! It's 00:10 AM, and as usual, I browse online, videos, social media, etc. And I came across this video:

And it is one of the most  videos I've seen in a long time, that I feel the need to make my own version of letter to my future daughter. I did a post to my future kids a while ago, and it inspired me to write something else. I feel kind of melancholy and sensitive lately, so I thought, let's put this into words and write something to my future husband. Without further due, here goes

Dear Future Husband,

We may have met before, we may have cross paths that we didn't know of, you may have been in my life before. But right now in this moment how I am glad that we found each other.
I may not be the most perfect color in a box of crayons, but I will try to brighten up your days when it feels dark.
I have my quirks and falls, but I am glad I found someone who can accept that.
I am broken, and you put all my pieces together.
I have hurt before, and what I have with you makes everything worth it.
I have learnt from my past, and now I am ready to start a new chapter, and face the future with you, together.

We will have our fights, but at the end of the day I am sure we will make it right.
I'm not expecting you to bring me flowers on my birthdays, or remember every anniversary, knowing I'm going to have more birthdays and anniversaries with you is what I want.
I am not the easiest to deal with, but I will try my hardest to be the best wife and mother to our future kids.

When I say I'm in this together with you, trust me, I mean it with all my heart.
We are going to be a team, remember that.
Remember that I will always be there for you, supporting you at what you do, worrying about you.

Let's be teammates, partner, best friends, enemies, for the rest of our lives.
Let's see the world, go on adventures, and watch disney movies together.

How I am glad I am yours,
I love you with all I am


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