The Author

The Author

Thursday, March 21, 2013


it's me , Allegra :)

what else? oh yeah, i decided to make a new blog. it's been ages since i write on a blog and i think it's a good time to make another one.
a LOOOT has been going on in my life lately. not all worth sharing , some are interesting
Like , i was an exchange student in uncle sam's country , united states. i stayed in nebraska and minnesotta. it's really a roller coaster ride experience. but , it's all worth it. and now , at this moment , writing this , i miss my hostfamily so much. my mom sarah , my dad tim , and my bro and sis , anya and leif. not to mention i miss my favorite puppy ever, sagan!! ;) aah how i wish i can turn back time to repeat the experience. i can't wait to go back to duluth and visit everybody.

I am also now a psychology student in bina nusantara university. the major is challenging but it's fun and i like it. college is a whole new world to me. new friends , new people , new enviroment. i like it! a fresh new beggining. i needed a fresh start, you know? who doesn't?

 what else? umm...i still love music , a lot. and now i have a weird obsessesion over tv series. i mean , come on..gossip girl is done? aaargh.still many other tv shows i follow tho. it's crazy. i like waiting for another episode to come on and having mixed feeling about an ending of an episode.
i read, a lot. like i can't get enough. there's something about finishing a good book. but then when i finish it , i'm like.."what the hell am i gonna do with my life", right? especially if the book is like a series. damn.

other than those things , i'm just enjoying life, so , here goes. i'm gonna post some (some crappy , some worth reading) stories that i hope you would enjoy :) not only stories tho , i like to quote movies and books i also like to do some kind of review (i guess?) of movies , books or whatever. so be hold people! haha

wow that's one long introduction.
so, stay tune for my next post


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