The Author

The Author

Monday, June 29, 2015

Equality #lovewins

So, a few days ago, the US supreme courts announced that they are legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states. I am happy for them, it's about time. Of course it causes some critics and controversy. In social media, i saw some people bashing and saying nasty stuff about this subject.

I just feel the need to say something. Gue nggak akan ngomong dari sisi agama, karena gue nggak tahu menahu hal seperti ini dari sisi agama. I will however point out a few things;

First of all, mereka juga manusia. They deserve to love whoever they want to love. They deserve to be with the one they love and celebrate their love. They are as capable of having a family (Children, etc). Please, buka hati dan pikirannya. Ini bukan tentang hak orang gay, tapi hak manusia.

Secondly, being Gay is not a choice. From what i read, it's genetic. Some research have shown that. So sebelum bicara "ngapain sih pilih jadi Gay?", No, it is not their choice. It's like asking "Why are you straight?" Kita nggak bisa forsir mereka untuk suka sama lawan jenis juga, it's like forcing us straight to be attracted to sesama jenis. We love who we love. Read your facts straight before judging other people.

Thirdly - AND this is the most important thing - being gay is not a disease. I read that DSM V is not including it as a mental illness anymore, CMIIW. Nggak usah norak dan takut ketularan atau apa. You can't be gay just hanging out with gay people, or watching them get married. Again, you can't force sexual oriantation.

Last thing, yang melegalkan gay marriage itu USA. Jadi, kita yang di Indonesia ini (eerrgh ini yang menurut saya paling annoying) nggak usah norak dan takut sampe ini kejadian di Indonesia. Ngomong kiamat udah deket lah dan segala embel - embelnya. Who are you to say that kind of stuff? Nggak usah sok "aduh nanti anak kita gmn?" alaaaaah sampah. Nggak usah takut, perjalanan Indonesia untuk sampai kesana masih sangat jauh. You may not even alive to watch it happen. Lagian,kalau punya anak yang gay, will you love them any less? Gue sih enggak :)

To finish, look how beautful this video is <3 eventually love wins. It effing does!

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