The Author

The Author

Friday, August 14, 2015

No worries, just blessings.

The First thing that you have to know about me - if you haven't already - is that i'm an over-thinker. My mind is a wreck, constant worry and anxieties at the point where I almost had a breakdown yesterday.
Kemarin, untuk gue panjang dan melelahkan. Banget. Ada aja yang bikin gue "anjir lo ngapain sih?!?!"  ke diri gue sendiri, if that make sense. Akhirnya, gue mencoba rasionalisasi sebenernya apa yang menganggu gue sampe hampir nangis.
Ada beberapa hal yang menurut gue major:
1. Proposal skripsi gue yang harus gue selesaikan dan dikumpul sebentar lagi, ditambah laporan magang yang udah harus dimulai. 
2. Tugas pribadi yang dikasih oleh supervisor gue dikantor. 
3. That I'm not good enough. Terutama dikantor, atau untuk keluarga gue sendiri, temen - temen gue, diri gue sendiri. I'm really self-conscious about my insecurities.
4. I might have to freeze my eggs. I have turner syndrome and by the time I'm 23 my eggs is not "healthy." This tho, needs more consultation. But it makes me worry. 

Sampe akhirnya, gue pulang dari kantor naik bus sendirian, mikirin itu semua. Sampai rumah langsung makan malam, nonton tv show yang gue paksain tiap hari nonton untuk menjaga akal sehat dan kesehatan mental gue (i know, it's stupid but it truly does), lalu tidur karena besoknya gue udah ada meeting mengenai tugas dari supervisor dari pagi sampai waktu makan siang.

So now it comes to today. Seperti biasa sampe rumah gue makan dan nonton tv shows. Gue nggak mikirin worries gue. Tapi, entah kenapa, my brain goes with another direction.  It thinks about why i should be greatful today. Dan memang walaupun hal - hal kecil, bikin gue bersyukur dan in a better mood.

1. Meeting dari pagi sampe siang semua lancar dan selesai. Gue dapet semua informasi yang gue butuhkan, nggak cuma untuk tugas, tapi untuk wawaaan gue sendiri. I can see why my supervisor is asking me to do this. Intinya, data udah ada, one step closer for the task being done.
2. Had lunch with my best friends today. Sampai dibeliin pastry sama Louna. The eclair was awesome. Tapi yang penting bukan makanannya, but the quality time i spent with Devy and Louna. My 2 crazy bitches. 
3. Gue balik terlambat, dan tiba - tiba ada msg di group kantor kalau ruangan intern kosong. Ternyata pada keluar semua, my supervisor was reminding that we shouldn't go all at once. Of course gue worried, as usual. Tapi, later that afternoon gue ada meeting lagi dengan dia (yes, hari ini meeting mulu nggak selesai - selesai, hfft). Selesai meeting, instead of ngomel, dia ngingetin lagi tentang etika kerja, dengan baik - baik, sambil ketawa - ketawa. Penyampaiannya enak, gue langsung ngerti dan sadar. You see, my supervisor is one hell of a woman. She's awesome! Mba Alfra, you won't read this but you rock! I'm glad that i work under her.
4. Latihan terakhir paduan suara untuk upacara 17 Agustus. Ini silly, tapi latihan ini bikin networking gue dan orang kantor  meningkat. 
5. Ngejadwal kalau besok proposal skripsi udah harus selesai. That's a promise to myself.

Dan sekarang, lagi nulis ini sambil siap - siap tidur. 
You see, poin blessings gue cuma hal - hal kecil. Tapi, efeknya gila banget. I think I should do this more often. Think of the good things and not the bad. Think of the blessings, not the worries, you know, glass half full kind of thing.
It's not easy, but I'll try to do it every day. So i at least can go to bed less-worried.

Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever your worries are, it'll past.
As my friends Timon and Pumba said, Hakunamatata :)


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